From the Chair: CEEing the Next Year

What a great NASAGA 2024! From duck puns to Southern hospitality, a great time was had by all. It’s my honor to step into my new role as the 2024-2025 NASAGA Board Chair. I want to thank Anna Heinrich for her hard work as Chair over the last year, and farewell Veronica Brown from the board after years of hard work. Your Board for the next year (new members in italics) is:

Lisa Heller Boragine, Chair  Cathlena Martin

Nick Vaccaro, Treasurer Alex Suchman

James Colquitt, Secretary JS Bragg

Natasha Nurse-Clark, Vice-Chair Jared Seay

Anna Heinrich, Past Chair Silviana Falcon 

Over the next year, I want us to:

Chronicle: We have an amazing amount of history tied up in our organization, with so many incredible members over the decades. Much of that history and knowledge has never been explicitly captured, so it’s urgent that we start documenting both our history and our routine practices for doing business. Doing so will make it easier for us to grow and thrive as an organization.

Engage: As Anna mentioned in her farewell blog post, we’ve done a great job over the last year establishing online Game Nights as a routine and recurring event. Now, let’s focus on getting more members to attend those Game Nights so they can be even more memorable and a great experience for all. If you have a game you want to share as part of Game Night, but aren’t sure how to do it online, reach out to a Board member and we’ll help you figure it out! I also want to explore the possibility of a regional in-person Game Night; we’ll look at where we have clusters of members to see what’s possible.

Experience: We know NASAGA conference are amazing experiences; I want to explore ways for us to grow them together. NASAGA presentations have historically been mostly tabletop and roleplaying games; can we find ways to broaden our reach and include digital games as well? We also know that travel is a challenge for many NASAGAns; can we have some kind of online component for NASAGA 2025? If you have thoughts on any or all of these issues, please let a Board Member know!

Speaking of NASAGA 2025, it will be held in our usual October timeframe at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Here’s a short video from Conference Chair JS Bragg to tell you all about it!

And to help you with longer-term planning, we’re pleased to announce that NASAGA 2026 will be held in Rochester, NY! Co-Conference Chairs Alex Suchman and JS are already thinking about ways to capitalize on Rochester’s long history of play to create a memorable experience.

Thanks to each and every one of you for being a member. You are the fuel that runs this rocket. Play on!

Lisa Boragine is the 2024-2025 NASAGA Board Chair and a full-time tenured faculty member at Cape Cod Community College and a part time professor at Bridgewater State University, teaching college courses in communication and sustainability. She also writes about communication, sustainability and climate change games.


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