Meet BGA: An Introduction to Board Game Academics
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Meet BGA: An Introduction to Board Game Academics

NASAGA recently announced to its members the formation of a publishing partnership with Board Game Academics (BGA). We are pleased to now share that information more broadly, and provide you with some insights on BGA straight from its key leaders!

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Games as a Peacekeeping Training Tool (Podcast)
Raymond Kimball Raymond Kimball

Games as a Peacekeeping Training Tool (Podcast)

From the 20-Sided Gamified Podcast episode description: “This was one of the more fascinating conversations I've had on the show. Tom is an absolute master of his craft, using both professional and casual wargames to literally defend his country. While most of the conversation was lighthearted, there were also some heavy moments, as Tom described some of his deployments across the world. Ultimately- if you ever needed a reminder that games are powerful, just listen to Major Tom Mouat go through the ways in which he has trained folks using various simulations, and what those trained folks were able to achieve with that training.”

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