Sponsor NASAGA 2024
Atlanta, Georgia, October 16-19, 2024
NASAGA is the perfect blend of gaming experience with new gaming techniques. Our conference is a mix of academic gaming expertise paired with real world games and simulations used at the largest corporations in the world. It includes face-to-face simulations blended with new digital tools.
NASAGA has 85 registered members and 1200 persons receiving our regular newsletter or following our social media pages and groups.
We are expecting between 40 and 60 participants to be present, including some people coming from other countries.
Our sponsorship packages are listed below. To sponsor NASAGA 2024, please email your request to sponsorships@nasaga.org.
These are general guidelines. We gratefully accept contributions of any level and will work with your organization to provide adequate recognition for your contributions.
Platinum - $5,000
Public thank you during conference welcome and closing
Company name, logo, and a link you provide displayed on conference website
Guaranteed space to promote and sell during the conference’s Expo event on Friday afternoon
Thank you and promotion on our social media and newsletter including name, logo, and link you provide
Inclusion in event branding for Friday night gala and banquet as Presented By
2 Complimentary conference registrations, with 2 guest dinners for Friday night gala
Gold - $2,500
Public thank you during conference welcome and closing
Company name, logo, and a link you provide displayed on conference website
Guaranteed space to promote and sell during the conference’s Expo event on Friday afternoon
Thank you and promotion on our social media and newsletter including name, logo, and link you provide
1 Complimentary conference registration, with 1 guest dinner for Friday night gala
Silver – $1,000
Public thank you during conference welcome and closing
Company name, logo, and a link you provide displayed on conference website
Guaranteed space to promote and sell during the conference’s Expo event on Friday afternoon
1 Complimentary conference registration
Bronze – $500
Public thank you during conference welcome and closing
Company name, logo, and a link you provide displayed on conference website
Friend of NASAGA - $250
Raffle Sponsor– Donate items for the Friday night raffle
We will be holding a raffle at our Friday night festive evening. All proceeds from donated items are donated to scholarships.