How to register

Members get $100 off the prices below, and membership is only $30!

For members:

The Early Bird discount of $75 applies through August 27.

For non-members:

  • The base fee is $600. For students, educators, and non-profits, it’s $500.
    Select ONE of the Conference Registration options, below, to your shopping cart.

  • To add the pre-conference to your NASAGA experience, add it to your shopping cart below.
    You may attend the pre-conference by itself — but you’ll want to stay for the rest of NASAGA!

Every year

Not a member?

Sign up now!

Conference Registration - Non-Member/General
Sale Price:$525.00 Original Price:$600.00

Early Bird Pricing available through August 27.
Conference registration is good for attendance at all events during the regular conference October 17-19.

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Pre-Conference Registration: Play Facilitation by Barometer XP

Pre-Conference registration is good for attendance at the all-day Play Facilitation workshop on Wednesday, October 16.

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Conference Registration - Non-Member/Student, Educator, Non-Profit
Sale Price:$425.00 Original Price:$500.00

Early Bird price available through August 27.
Conference registration is good for all events during the regular conference October 17-19.

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