Your Conference Options (Wednesday PM /Thursday AM)

For the next few weeks, we’ll be running a series of blogs called “Your Conference Options.” This lays out the different elements of the NASAGA 2024 schedule and what you can expect throughout the conference. You can always see the agenda grid at a glance here or browse descriptions directly here. And of course, don’t forget about our amazing Play Facilitator preconference; learn more about that here. And if you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time!

Your NASAGA conference experience starts on Wednesday night, with a welcome reception and orientation. If you’re brand new to NASAGA, don’t worry! NASAGAns all remember being there are one point or another, and you can count on a warm welcome. After a conference orientation, we’ll break for dinner, and you can explore amazing cuisine in the local area. But don’t go too far, because Wednesday night is the first of the legendary NASAGA Game Nights! Whether you’re trying out something new, bringing along an old favorite, or maybe even dragging something off the Shelf of Shame to finally play, NASAGA Game Nights have something for everyone.

On Thursday morning, you’ll charge your batteries with breakfast (included in the full registration) and then move into our first full session:

Level Up Networking (Alexandra Suchman):
Most networking events result in increased social anxiety and very few real, new connections.
It's time to eliminate the awkward insertions into in-progress conversations, engaging in useless small talk, or wandering the room searching for a friendly face.
The simple solution to better networking? Structured Play.
We all know how to play. It's inherent from childhood. But we don't do it in business nearly enough. In this workshop, explore how using Play in your networking events can catalyze genuine connections between strangers and build relationships that support growth.

After a short break, you’ll choose from one of two breakouts:

Ban the Jesuits: A Reacting Microgame Exemplar (Ray Kimball)

The year is 1772 and Royal Ambassadors, Archbishops, and members of the Crowd have gathered in Rome to decide the fate of the Roman Catholic Jesuit order. This game, Ban the Jesuits, is the first offering in a new series of single-session live-action roleplaying games (called Microgames) from the Reacting Consortium. Come play this game to understand how Reacting Microgames work and how they can be applied to multiple educational contexts.

How Can I Help? More Inclusive Workplaces Through Allyship (Cathy Brown)

Ever thought "That wasn't cool. Should I say something? Am I overreacting?" when you see or hear something in the workplace? In a meeting have you ever seen someone's ideas ignored, then co-opted by someone else? Those are opportunities step in as an ally. Allyship "is the act of using one’s power, position, or privilege to uplift others." In this session, participants will explore how to respond as allies in a variety of workplace situations.

Coming next week: Thursday PM!


Your Conference Options (Thursday PM)


Steve Jackson: The Innovator (Podcast)