Welcome to NASAGA 2022

Welcome, gamers, to 2022 with the North American Simulation and Games Association!

2021 has hissed its last toxic breath, whispering promises that it will revenge itself upon us one day. 2022 looms over us, a bony skeletal finger pointing at us from out of its impossibly black cloak. Oh, the new year! A time of joy and celebration!

But, before we walk stoicly to the gallows with 2022, let's bid farewell the 2021, NASAGA style.

Goodbye 2021. We Barely Knew Thee.

Mostly, we barely knew thee, because we were locked away in our homes. And, when we did go out, you were wearing a mask, so we couldn't see you that well. You understand.

But, there were celebrations to be had from 2021.

1 Day Conferences

We had two excellent one-day conferences in 2021. These brief conferences were a great way for our members to engage with a curated pannel of experts on a much more focused set of topics than our annual conference. Our first 1-day conference brought together experts on simulations and games in informal education settings to discuss how and why they were using game tools in their places of work. The second 1-day conference focused in on diversty and inclusion in gaming communities, highlighting where we have and were we could improve.

Excellent Online Conference

SPEAKING of conferences, and we were speaking, not reading and typing, we had an amazing 2021 conference online. Exciting presentations, an awesome game night, and a vibrant community that didn't even think of letting the online format slow them down.

We are seriously lucky to have such a great community.

Community Engagement With Discord

And that community has kept NASAGA not just looking towards the future during 2021, but thriving in the present. Our online Discord community has been booming! If you haven't joined it, you should. Now. Stop reading and join.

We've got discussions about games, game night groups, research teams, reading groups, groups on groups on teams on groups!

So, what does 2022 bring for NASAGA?

Well, if the last two years tell us anything? Probably a metor that strikes the Earth and sends us the way of the dinosaurs.

BUT, if that doesn't happen, we have tons to look forward to!

2022 Conference in Montreal

Let's get the most obvious out the way: in 2022 NASAGA will be returning to an in person conference with a glorious march to Montreal! You heard me (again, you're not reading, we are speaking). NASAGA. 2022. Montreal. It is happening.

We are extremely excited to have our community safely return to an in person event, and we hope to maintain the amazing diversity and engagement that has come from our online series.

New Logo

I probably shouldn't be telling you this. Should I say it? Oh I want to but...I shouldn't. OK. I'll tell you.

NASAGA is rebranding! That means a new logo, a new look. Same beautiful attitude, whole new wardrobe.

I know you're excited to see it, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait. Don't worry. The logo will be forthcoming. Just keep your eyes open and wait for that newsletter!

So.....Will The Next Apoclypse Stop Us?

Let's be real, for a moment. Calm it down and be honest.

There will almost definitely be another apocalypse in 2022. It's basically par for the course, at this point.

But we're used to it now. We're NASAGA! We ran the simulations. We'll be fine. We won't be slowed down, because we've been gaming the end of the world since Wasteland first released on PC. We LIVE Fallout. We THRIVE on it.

So meet us in Montreal, and don't forget your Road Warrior car.

About the Author

Clayton Whittle is a Ph.D. candidate at Pennsylvania State University, focusing on games for social impact research. He serves on the board of NASAGA and handles the blog.

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From Professor to Entrepreneur


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