Specialize your network with Special Interest Groups

ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association) invites NASAGA members to help with a new initiative to start Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of people interested in specific aspects of gaming and simulations. SIGs are informal, open groups that share a common interest and may promote issues or propose special events.  

Special Interest Groups will report regularly on progress and activities on the website, in the newsletter and of course the AC and the EB. Before we go into the actual work, we want to consolidate the SIGs together with the wider ISAGA and NASAGA communities. . Marieke will collect them and discuss these with the EB and of course report back to you.

  1. A SIG is an open group of people interested in the same theme, topic or aspect of gaming and simulation. SIG membership is open to all ISAGA and NASAGA members, and non-members can be friend of a SIG.
  2. SIGs do not have formal hierarchy, nor any responsibilities in the ISAGA/NASAGA structure. They form primarily a structure for people to find, discuss and develop together with interested peers.
  3. Every SIG has 1 or 2 ISAGA members as point of contact. They are listed on the ISAGA website.
  4. SIGs can be started after a short written request to the EB, containing the focus of the SIG, an initial list of interested members, and a proposed contact person. The EB checks for potential overlap, and significance of the initiative for the full ISAGA/NASAGA communities. The EB has at all times the right to terminate a SIG, if reasons may occur.
  5. SIGs can take initiatives, like for instance proposing special issues, conference workshops, webinars, etc. They can also be approached by conference organizers, journal editors, etc., as interested reviewers. 
  6. SIGs will obviously overlap with other professional and personal engagements. The existence of a SIG, or the personal engagement with a SIG can never be exclusive for a person or a topic. It should be natural pathways, and not limiting structures.

We have some concrete SIG groups to start with:

  1. Sustainability and environmental simulation games
  2. Facilitation of simulation games and playful learning environments
  3. Policy gaming
  4. Simulation games in health care
  5. Simulation games and system dynamics
  6. ….. (your initiative)

ISAGA has started lists of individuals interested in these SIGs. To be added to a list, or to request a SIG on a different topic, fill out this form or email Marieke de Wijse or Elena Likhacheva of the ISAGA Executive Board.

The plan is to have a maximum investment of 2 hours per month consisting of a meeting and time to perform actions to build the special interest group community.

Some first ideas on activities of the SIG’s are:

  1. A zoom meeting every 2 months, and in between contacts and work for relevant voluntary projects
  2. Having updates in the newsletter
  3. Having a spot on the website where SIG’s can place updates
  4. Having social media channels to spread knowledge and ideas (ISAGA has a linked in, facebook and a Twitter account)
  5. Help each other with writing scientific publications on a topic
  6. Share new insights, backgrounds, materials, game tests
  7. Each group can set a planning with agenda with input from all members based on their interests

We hope to receive your response soon, so we can get these SIGs active and growing!


Learning Games: Using Play to Teach


Games for Learning: Three Fields of Study