SIMAGES 2015.2 - Ready to Use Activity: Team Attributes

NASAGA member Veronica Brown shares one of her favorite teaming activities, Team Attributes. Through a process of individual reflection and small group discussion, participants are challenged to share and compare their ideas about attributes of an effective team with other participants in this ready-to-use activity. Here are the highlights of the activity and a link to the complete facilitator guide the includes the handouts.

Team Attributes Overview

ObjectivesParticipants will be able to:

  • Discuss the Team Effectiveness Attributes and their use with others in their groups
  • Identify the characteristics of high-performing teams

Time approximately 40 minutesTeam Effectiveness Attributes HandoutsThe handouts contain all the Team Effectiveness Attributes, plus other attributes of teams collected from these sources:

  • The Wisdom of Teams, by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith
  • Team Architect Workbook, by Korn/Ferry International, Powered by LOMINGER
  • Initiative and Project Implementation Assessment, by Aubrey Daniels

Download the complete facilitator guide and handouts for Team Attributes!


SIMAGES 2015.2 - Motivation in Play


SIMAGES 2015.1 - Getting Wild with Goose Chase