SIMAGES 2013.2 - #NASAGAchat: The Legend Continues...

Over the last few months, we have been conducting an experiment within NASAGA.  The question was essentially “If we build it, will they come?”  Two nights a month, a slowly growing group of NASAGAns has been getting together on Twitter to chat about various ideas within our fields.  We have had deep discussions about play and identity, conquering institutional resistance, meaningful gamification with Scott Nicholson, providing options for learner engagement, simulations versus games, mobile gaming, alternate reality gaming, and, most recently, narrative use in games and simulations with Anastasia Salter.These lively chats last for an hour and many regular attendees have found that the time goes very quickly and that the final wrap-up happens before they are really ready for it.  For anyone who cannot make it to these chats, full transcripts are posted within a few hours, and everyone is welcome to discuss the ideas of the chats further on our forums.  We are maintaining the availability of the transcripts, so anyone can go back and catch up on all of them.Would you like to join in the fun?  Please join us at the next #NASAGAchat—which is held on the 2nd and 4thTuesdays of every month, at 9 p.m. Eastern Time, or check out the transcripts and continue the discussion on the forums.  Details for each chat are posted on the website, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ the week prior to the chat.  We are always looking for volunteer moderators and topic ideas from the community.  Please contact Chris Saeger or myself to get involved. Transcripts of all previous chats: find a specific transcript, use these links:Storytime!  Hosted by Anastasia Salter— Gamification, hosted by Scott Nicholson— and Play, hosted by Melissa Peterson— Resistance to Games, hosted by Melissa Peterson—!  Hosted by Melissa Peterson— Games, hosted by Melissa Peterson— vs Games, hosted by Melissa Peterson— Learners with Options, hosted by Melissa Peterson— About the chat coordinatorMelissa Peterson is a games-based learning designer and researcher in Pennsylvania, currently writing grants and working to fund various projects in informal science education spaces.  Her background in cognitive science and informal education gives her work a unique constructivist and exploratory style.  Melissa can be reached at mellissa dot peterson at gamecognito dot com


SIMAGES 2013.2 - Experiential Learning: Consumer Generated Media (CGM) in Education, Learning, and Training


SIMAGES 2013.2 - Chair's Corner