NASAGA Live Online? Takeaways

Monday, December 14, 2015 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific
We had a great live online session to explore the possibilities for live (and lively) online learning.  We shared some new ideas for creating truly engaging webinars and helped shape NASAGA programs in 2016.

Roger Courville facilitated a conversation on live (and lively) online learning. Read More about Roger.Here are the resources that Roger shared with the group during the discussion.

Please add any resources you use for live online training in the comments.About the RecordingRoger gave a short opening presentation to set the stage, after that the session was primarily a conversation among participants to share ideas. Here is the paradox, a highly interactive session makes a not so great recording. Conversely a one way webinar that is not that engaging in the moment makes for a good recorded session.It's a bit like the request to "send me your PowerPoint" after a session. A good set of visual PowerPoint slides makes a poor set of notes. A wordy PowerPoint deck that is not good for live presentations on the other hand are more useful as notes. We don't recommend this either. Handouts should be something like Nancy Duarte's Slidedocs.You can watch the edited recording below. Note after the early arrivals introductions we edited out a few minutes of response and cut to the session start and then edited out the text chat group discussion that followed as it does not display in the recording. 


SIMAGES 2016.2 - Whether or Not to Wing It


SIMAGES 2016.1 - From the Chair