Implicit and Explicit Narratives

I came across this article, written by Greg Loring-Albright, about Settlers of Catan a while ago, and I thought it related well to the last post I put up and I wanted to share. This is another look at how our games, activities and actions all contain explicit, as well as implicit narratives.Most table top players know of Settlers of Catan, and many have played it. However, how many people have considered the story that exists to this nation they're building on. This article addressees the implicit narrative that could be identified in Catan, especially if you are from the U.S.This is another look at how and why it's important to try and consider as many perspectives as possible when creating.Click: The First Nations of Catan, for the article.

Matt France

Matt France is a former NASAGA Board member and blog manager/contributor.


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