Fostering Equality and Inclusion

Announcing Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Fund: Please Donate

At NASAGA, fairness and equity are key values.  In our games, we recognize the importance of the system engine underlying the game environment. A character may have highly beneficial stats in certain attributes, but if the environment is set up against them to constantly sap their stamina based on a stat they’re not specced for, game play will be devastatingly unfair.

Just as we recognize unfair situations in our games, we must strive to recognize and correct them in the world around us.  We realize that our Black brothers and sisters are facing this very challenge every day through four centuries of systemic racial discrimination and oppression. We are uniting to focus our support on those who face the deepest hits to their stamina. For we are strong as a team, and if any member of the team is hurting, we will fail our collective challenge of dismantling systemic racism.

Here at NASAGA we want to find creative ways to address inequities for our brothers and sisters of color to ensure that everyone is welcome at our table. We will not tolerate discrimination, bigotry, or racism in our games, activities, or learning. We encourage constructive conversations to explore these topics. We also encourage everyone to take advantage of multicultural resources to deepen understanding of systemic racism.  

To put action to our words, we are instituting a scholarship specifically to support and encourage People of Color in our educational gaming world. Starting in the fall of 2020, this scholarship will be available to our Black and Brown community to break down gates in our corner of the gaming world. It will be awarded to support attendance at our conference each year. 

If you feel so moved and have the means, we encourage you to donate through this link:

Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Fund 

The link enables you to make a donation in $10 increments.  Please just select the number of $10’s you’d like to contribute (for example, 5 x $10 = $50).  Thanks!!  

Photo: Photo by ATC Comm Photo from Pexels


NASAGA 2020 Conference Goes Virtual


Get to Know: Curt Jordan