Your Conference Options (Thursday PM)

For the next few weeks, we’ll be running a series of blogs called “Your Conference Options.” This lays out the different elements of the NASAGA 2024 schedule and what you can expect throughout the conference. You can always see the agenda grid at a glance here or browse descriptions directly here. And of course, don’t forget about our amazing Play Facilitator preconference; learn more about that here. And if you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time!

After the Thursday morning sessions, you’ll be hungry! Grab a colleague or a new friend and go have a leisurely lunch in the area; you’ll want to take the time to absorb and process all the great stuff you’ve seen.

Thursday afternoon features something you won’t find at any other conference: a three-hour conference-wide Live Action Role Play (LARP)!

Kingdoms of Equitopia: Navigating Power Shifts and Change

In "Kingdoms of Equitopia," step into a world reshaped by a planetary shift, altering climate and power among factions. Through immersive role-play, you'll explore what it means to play "by the rules," when to break them, and how to strive for a “fair” playing field. Enhance empathy, dialogue, and systems thinking while challenging binary categories and reflecting on social structures. Be prepared for an emotionally engaging experience tackling complex power dynamics and equity.

After the conference LARP, we’ll move to our Expo and Poster sessions. Take your time and browse through colleagues’ work, getting to ask them questions and better understand their practice. Plus, you’ll get to see showcases from our amazing conference sponsors and other Expo participators!

Close out the evening with dinner and another NASAGA Game Night!

Coming next week: Friday AM!


Your Conference Options (Wednesday PM /Thursday AM)